What is a Keeping Room?


Our Austin Architects Agree: A Keeping Room is the Cozy Hangout Spot Your Home Needs 

Recently, our architecture firm in Austin has received many requests to design homes with keeping rooms. And no, keeping rooms aren’t storage closets or places to “keep” things. Keeping rooms are commonly found in traditional-style homes and date back all the way to Colonial times. However, they are making a comeback as they actually fit very well into our modern lifestyles. So, what is a keeping room? Our Austin architects explain everything you need to know about this cozy hangout space off the kitchen. 

What is a Keeping Room? 

A keeping room is a small room off the kitchen where family and friends can gather and hang out while keeping the cook of the house company. Keeping rooms are often casual, family-oriented spaces designed for lounging or kids’ playtime. Traditionally, these rooms off the kitchen have a fireplace for an extra cozy feel. Unlike a breakfast nook, a keeping room isn’t intended for dining but simply relaxing before family meal time. 

Where Did This Room Off the Kitchen Get Its Name? 

Keeping rooms are also called hearth rooms. They got their name because, back in Colonial times, this room off the kitchen was warmed by the kitchen's hot fireplace stove, sometimes the only heat source in the home. It was a cozy space to “keep” everyone warm while preparing dinner, doing chores, or talking about the day. Centuries later, fireplaces are still a traditional design feature of keeping rooms, which is why some call them hearth rooms. 

A Brief History of Keeping Rooms 

Keeping rooms date back to the late 18th century during the Colonial period. Before the invention of modern central heating, family life centered around the kitchen, mainly because of its constantly roaring fire, which was used for everything from cooking meals to heating water for baths and simply keeping the house warm. This is also why the kitchen is considered the heart of the home. To take advantage of the central heat source, keeping rooms were added off the kitchen to provide a cozy spot to keep people warm. They became gathering spaces to work on chores together and relax after meals. Despite central heating eliminating the functional need for keeping rooms, they are making a return because they provide a casual living space for families to bond during meal prep. 

Hearth Room vs. Breakfast Nook vs. Family Room: What’s the Difference? 

A keeping or hearth room is not the same as a breakfast nook or family room. The differences come down to size, placement, and use. Like breakfast nooks, keeping rooms are adjacent and open to the kitchen. However, this space is not used for dining. It’s intended to be a spot for people to lounge, watch TV, play, or keep the home chef company. 

While keeping rooms function similarly to family rooms, there are notable differences. Keeping rooms must be located off the kitchen, whereas family rooms can be placed anywhere in the home. Typically, keeping rooms are also smaller spaces. 

How to Design a Keeping Room

Keeping rooms are trending among homeowners looking for a casual space where the family can bond before or after mealtime. Here are some of the considerations to keep in mind when designing a keeping room. 

Place the Room Off the Kitchen 

By now, you know keeping rooms are placed off the kitchen. However, to make the best use of this space, you must also ensure easy flow and sight lights in your design plan. Remember, a keeping room should feel like its own space but make it easy for guests to chat with the cook and parents to watch kids when preparing dinner. 

Build a Fireplace for Traditional Charm 

Keeping rooms developed because of fireplaces. Carry the tradition into your space and make it a proper hearth room by adding a stylish fireplace for extra charm. 

Add Storage for Toys

For families with kids, keeping rooms double as great playrooms because they allow parents to easily keep an eye on things while cooking dinner. Add built-in storage with cabinet upgrades to store toys and keep them out of sight when not in use. 

Furnish with Cozy Seating 

Remember, keeping rooms are for lounging, not dining! Furnish the space with cozy armchairs, sofas, or even a games table. 

Mount a TV or Wire for a Sound System 

If you like to watch TV or listen to music when you cook, plan ahead for smart home upgrades like a mounted TV and built-in speaker system. These need to be planned early in the design process to account for wiring. 

Why are Keeping Rooms Trending? 

Keeping rooms are an old-world design feature that’s endured thanks to its timeless charm and practicality. While we don’t need keeping rooms to keep warm during the winter anymore, they provide a great space off the kitchen to bond as a family.   

Benefits of Keeping Room

There are many benefits of adding a keeping room to your kitchen design plan. Here are some of the top reasons our Austin architecture clients love this space. 

Keeping Room Benefits

  • Provide a casual space to spend time with family and friends

  • Give the chef more space to cook without feeling crowded

  • Offer easy sightlines to watch kids during meal prep

  • Increases the value of your home 

Use Space Off Your Kitchen for a Keeping Room 

Do you want to expand your current kitchen footprint to include a keeping room or design a new home with traditional charm? Contact our architecture firm in Austin, Texas, to get started on your new space. 

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